The Whale Watching off of Point Arena is some of the best in Northern California. You don’t even need a boat to get out and see them.
Whale fluke Humpback Whales lunge feeding Grey Whale under the kayak Humpback Feeding at the surface
Due to the point that gives the area its name whales converge for numerous reasons just off the coast, oftentimes visible from the beach. One reason for lots of whales is that the green nutrient rich waters offer food for small fish, krill and other organisms that whales eat. With all the whale food around any hungry whale nearby is sure to stop off for a bite to eat. Another reason whales gather at Point Arena is that the point sticks out west into the ocean really far. So far in fact, that it is the closest point to Hawaii. Whales migrating north and south are forced to swim around the point bringing them very close to land for a few miles of their journey.
Viewing them is easy. From the beach look out to see and look for their spouts. Binoculars are a great way to get a closer look once you have found where they are. But the best way to see them is by kayak. In the kayak you watch them swim by, hear them breath and maybe if you’re, lucky smell their breath!